Planet B – Module for Sustainability and Civilizational Issues UMPRUM

We only have one planet. However, due to human activity, the Earth’s ecosystem is changing irreversibly, and everything else will change accordingly: the way we live, produce, move, eat or communicate. How will this process unfold and what will Planet B look like, is (partly) up to us. Planet B was a temporary space for experimental practice and teamwork at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (UMPRUM). Czech and international students of various artistic or design disciplines were invited to participate and engage with pressing challenges of today in a multidisciplinary setting.

Toxic Futures & Aquatic Alliances

These were the titles of the two semestral programs we have implemented in 2022 and 2023. We dealt with complex entanglements within the metabolic system of the planet and their manifestations in specific places, objects, concepts or stories. We tried to embrace the ambiguity of the present and the uncertainty of the future, leaving apriori judgements behind. By recomposing what is knowable, we articulated ideas, propositions and scenarios that encourage us to look forward, even though it may feel uncomfortable. What we have come up with? Find out in our projects.

What’s next?

Planet B is now on hold. However, we are busy developing new projects in the realm of practice-based environmental research at UMPRUM and are open to new collaborations. Get in touch!